New Journey Day 1

DianaLGuerrero -@TheArkLady #DivinelyOrchastratedLife Day 1“You did what?!!”

“I closed my business and fired my last client.”

“You mean you terminated the contract?”

“No, I mean I fired my client.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

“No idea…”

What is the DVO?

The above dialog was part of a recent discussion I had with my brother who had a stable job and retired from it after 20+ years.

As for me, my life hasn’t been that tidy.

Some say I’ve lived and adventurous life.

Others believe I’ve lived my dream.

As for me, I’ve learned perceptions are everything and that they can be wrong.

Leap of Faith?

Over the past three years I’ve been living a #DivinelyOrchastratedLife or #DVO for short.

It isn’t for sissies. In fact, few really do “Let go and let God.”

Why would I step away from a business that was growing and supporting me?

Things took a turn and signaled that it was time for a change.

Sometimes ignoring the signs is more painful that jumping.

I just jumped.

So, I will get into my story and the journey here in the hopes you will listen and help me discover my new #BusinessByTheSea

Find me also on Facebook.



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